3 Reasons to get Acupuncture During Pregnancy
“A pregnant woman carries with her the finest piece of jade. She should enjoy all things, look at fine pictures and be attended by handsome servants”.
– Advice from an ancient Chinese classic
3 Great Reasons to Get Acupuncture during Pregnancy
1. It cures what ails you
From nausea, to mild aches or severe pain, oedema, anaemia, stress, constipation, heartburn, sinusitis, insomnia, tendonitis, hypertension, breech and posterior babies.
2. It is relaxing and comfortable
Come and get cozy! Propped up with pillows, bolsters and a soft bed, you many even get some zzz’s. Let the tiny needles go to work, regulating qi and helping to release tension and stress from your body. Wake up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.
3. Pre-birth acupuncture helps the body prepare for an optimal labour.
Weekly acupuncture treatments begin at week 37 until labour begins.
The goals of these treatments are to ripen the cervix, help position the hips and pelvis, and to make sure the baby is in best possible position.
Studies have shown there to be a reduction in medical intervention, including medical induction and caesareans, with regular pre-birth treatments.
Book an Acupuncture appointment with our professionals today.