Natalie Yu
Natalie Yu was born and raised in Western Canada with traditional Chinese parents. This allowed her to find roots in both the West and East. She has several close relatives, including her mother, who are acupuncturists and Chinese medicine doctors. This has helped her better understand this incredible medical system, as it was always her first choice of health care in her family.
Natalie had the privilege of completing her 5-year Doctorate Diploma of TCM Program at the Academy of Classical Oriental Sciences in beautiful Nelson, BC. During her course of study, she also completed internships in Nelson and Vancouver, BC, and NanNing and Shanghai China.
Natalie focuses on treating Women's Issues - hormone balancing, fertility, pregnancy, post partum, along with, Sport Acupuncture.
In her free-time, you will likely find her in the woods with her dog on two wheels, or on a board in the water or on the snow.